
A Deep Dive into Gen Z’s Latest Drinking Trend

The BORG (Blackout Rage Gallon) is Gen Z’s latest drinking craze, making waves across US university campuses. This trend revolves around a gallon jar filled with a concoction of unidentified liquid, alcohol, and flavorings. Its aesthetics and potentially deadly nature have recently garnered attention from mainstream media, sparking mixed reactions.

At first glance, the BORG seems like an irresponsible and hazardous choice. The drink contains a near-fatal dosage of unlabeled alcohol, with a single BORG holding 17 servings of alcohol. Binge drinking, which is already a concerning issue, is defined as consuming four or more drinks for women and five for men in two hours. The BORG exceeds these limits, promoting high-intensity drinking that can lead to seizures, heart attacks, and other negative effects.

The addition of flavorings and artificial colors adds another layer of complexity to the BORG. Traditional BORGs use a whole bottle of Mio black cherry flavoring, which contains a staggering 1080mg of caffeine. This dangerously high caffeine content, combined with alcohol, poses additional risks.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and dilates arteries, while alcohol is a neurodepressant that impairs the production of the neurotransmitter GABA. Mixing these substances can lead to dangerously high blood alcohol levels and trick the body into thinking it’s not as intoxicated as it actually is. This encourages further excessive drinking, which could result in hospitalization.

However, amidst the BORG’s alarming characteristics, there are some hidden merits. The drink can help combat the issue of spiked drinks on college campuses, which incapacitate victims and lead to assault or mistreatment. By creating and sealing their own BORG, students can ensure their drink remains untampered with.

Additionally, the BORG allows individuals to disguise their alcohol consumption, which can be helpful in high-pressure situations where peer pressure or hazing is present. TikTok videos have even shown non-alcoholic BORGs gaining popularity for hangovers and Covid-related reasons.

The BORG’s design also promotes better hygiene, as it eliminates the need for shared punch bowls or mixing up drinks in communal containers. This can help prevent the spread of germs and promote a cleaner party environment.

Although the BORG still poses significant risks in terms of overindulging in alcohol and caffeine, it does offer some benefits. It allows younger drinkers to regulate their alcohol intake, promotes a cleaner party atmosphere, and ensures that one’s drink remains untouched by others. In essence, the BORG represents the best and worst of Gen Z’s drinking culture.

Perhaps a smaller, more responsible version of the BORG – a “BORG baby” – could provide the benefits without the extreme risks associated with excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption. This could potentially strike a balance between fun and safety, making it a more reasonable option for those looking to participate in the trend.

In conclusion, the BORG is a complex phenomenon that embodies both the dangers and merits of Gen Z’s drinking habits. While it’s important to acknowledge the risks, it’s also worth considering the positive aspects of this trend as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of youth culture. Always remember to drink responsibly.

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