
Early B – Skud Jou Biscuit

Early B is pretty early with a warm meal to keep you fed this weekend, a number dubbed “Skud Jou Biscuit.” What’s in the title of a song? In this case, we would say a lot.

For one, the title of the song not only references a cookie, something  one might take to keep hunger away, but the song itself is a food of sorts, calming the soul with its beats and message, taking the listener into places he would have no regrets being at,

For one who is not exactly a regular in our orbit, Early B has just given us a reason to keep an eye open for what next he might release. His “Skud Jou Biscuit” is good and just might be taken as dessert before the main course – a good offering, with something better to be expected anytime soon. Until then, well, it’s Early “Skud Jou Biscuit.”

Skud Jou Biscuit


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