
Sun-EL Musician Brings The “Fire” With Sauti Sol

It’s a new week, a time when you would need all the energy you can get. Fortunately Sun-EL Musician brings you just that in his “Fire” track featuring the Kenyan band Sauti Sol.

“Fire” is actually fire, a track that is musically energizing, bringing you the riches of the vocals of some fine voices in Africa, albeit of disparate provenances.

The week may only just have begun, but it is already looking grand because there is “Fire” to go with it, a track that draws you into its orbit and keeps you there. But then, it’s a place to be in, so no qualms.

Easily one of South Africa’s most engaging musos, Sun-EL Musician strikes a fine partnership with Sauti Sol, evinces great musical synergy with the group, and one is left with a strong hunger for more collaborative numbers from them.

Well, not having ruled out future collaborations, we may as well take “Fire” as an introductory feast while looking forward to something even more sumptuous. Isn’t that the way to go?

How would you rate Sun-EL Musician’s “Fire” track with Sauti Sol, though? You might want to stream it below and join the conversation by dropping your thoughts in the comment section.

File removed on 20th September, 2023. Click for new music
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