
2024 Mercedes Benz Maybach S680 For Wicknell Chivayo: The Showoff Continues

Many see him as the money man of Zimbabwe, and indeed it might be said that Wicknell Chivayo has earned the title. He is one of the visibly richest Zimbabweans. and he is never one to hide this.

Anyway, he thrust himself into the spotlight once again by showing off his recently acquired 2024 Mercedes Benz Maybach S680.

If you are a car aficionado, then you probably already know that’s one of the finest vehicles on the roads right now, with enough amenities to make a king happy. But that’s by the way.

In a post on his Instagram page, he’d shown off the latest acquisition while also indirectly playing the role of a salesman of sorts, hyping the car in the caption to his post.

He revealed that he spent R6 million to acquire the car and encouraged anyone who has the sum to go acquire the same vehicle, promising them that they would not be disappointed.

Wicknell Chivayo has an abiding love for luxury cars. So his latest acquisition will not surprise anyone familiar with him. Currently, his garage gleams with several luxury cars, including Rolls Royce and Mercedes. Best believe that he is not done acquiring cars just yet.

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