
Actress Vatiswa Ndara: The Coming Bombshell On Her Drama With Connie & Shona Fergusons

The drama continues between actress Vatiswa Ndara and Ferguson Films, which is currently headed by Connie Ferguson, following the death of her husband Shona “Uncle Sho” Ferguson.

The drama between the actress, who has since been blacklisted, and Ferguson FIlms dates back years. For instance, back in 2020, she had written a six-page letter to South Africa’s minister of arts, NAthi Mtherthwa, detailing how she was being exploited by the film company.

Hers, she said, was not an isolated case, as others were being exploited by the company as well. She described working for Ferguson Films as nothing short of slavery and exploitation and implored the minister to look into it.

The years may have passed, but the drama isn’t over yet. During a recent appearance on King David Studio, a South African podcast, she had given more insight into her relationship with Ferguson Films, noting that she has a book, “Unfiltered by Vatiswa Viola Ndara” on the way.

The book would deliver even more details about her relationship with the Ferguson brand. You can check out the clip below for other key points she shared. By the way, last we checked, neither Connie nor Ferguson Films has responded to her.

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