
Actress Zinhle Hlamalani Mavasa Reportedly Down With A Stroke

These are not the best of times for actress Zinhle Hlamalani Mavasa having reportedly just suffered a stroke that left her partially paralysed.

The news of the stroke attack was broken by the entertainment blogger Phil Mphela. Who noted t in a tweet that the stroke affected her ability to read, write and speak. It was one blow no one saw coming, but the family is pushing ahead courageously.

Amid the tragedy, the family asks for the prayers of the well-meaning public to aid her recovery and return to a job she loves so much.

The stroke attack is especially poignant because the actress has been through a lot already. The previous year, 2022, was especially hard on her, as she lost her son 1-year, 5-month-old son Kanana to lung disease.

The kid died in June and that same month, the actress was involved in an accident in which her car was mangled and she herself was injured in the head, which had to be bandaged.

The latest news of her stroke left some of her fans fuming, with a couple of them asking why life is sometimes “cruel” to good people. She is one of a couple of celebs who have been down with a stroke in recent memory.

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