
Again, South Africa’s Only Driver’s Licence Card Printing Machine Breaks Down

South Africa’s only driving licence printing machine has broken down – again. As a result, the public should expect delays in issuing new driver’s licences.

The machine had broken down for the first time last year, provoking delays in issuing licences to drive, some of whom resorted to driving with the license.

Xolisa Jakula, acting chief director for transport regulations, confirmed the latest breakdown while also noting that plans are underway to get the machine back in service within a week.

While the breakdown is a source of frustration for South Africans, and they have been venting the same on social media. It’s actually a source of amusement to others.

Out there, some South Africans were somewhat mordant about the situation, wondering how a whole country could have just one machine for the printing of driver’s licences. And some wondered why another machine was not acquired when the only one in the country had broken down in the past.

And yet some noted it must be an African problem because similar situations prevail in other African countries. For some, though, it is yet another sign of the malaise gripping the Rainbow Nation.

Will anything change in the coming days? Stay tuned

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