
Alleged Rudeness: Actress Nompilo Mwelase Apologises Finally

South African actress Nompilo Mwelase has finally apologised for what many people consider to be her rudeness to aspiring actors.

The incident happened months ago and the actress was under fire from many quarters. So symbolic were her words back then that even notable actor Wiseman Ncube had to call her out at the time.

Well, in a move that pleased some people but still left others unimpressed, she acknowledged where she erred and apologised for her actions for months.

In a lengthy apology, he pointed out that she didn’t know what came over her at the point that made her forest that she was dealing with people who have feelings too.

For the unkind words she used against them, she was apologetic. For those who have shown understanding and continue to encourage her in her acting journey, she was grateful and expressed the same out loud.

It turned out not everyone was impressed with her apology, though. Some claimed that she only apologised because her actions were beginning to haunt her and affect her career.

Well, this is one moment that the actress would love to put behind her. Maybe she would have the pleasure of actually seeing that happen.

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