
Amid Pretty Samuels Drama, Zoe Mthiyane Recalls Failed Relationship With Lebo M

Zoe Mthiyane is one of the wpomen South African composer Leb M had been in a relationship with at some point. It is also one of his relationships that failed abysmally, with great public drama – much like his currently relationship with Pretty Samuels.

Well, Zo Mthiyane has just issued a press release giving more insights into her failed relationship with Lebo M. It is clear that the desicin to say something about her relationship with him at this point stems from Lebo M’s current war with his current wife, Pretty Samuels.

The facts of the case are that Pretty Samuels refused to sign an affidavit that she had deleted his digital signature from her system. She had also declined to sign another affidavit that she had not used his digital signature in such a way that will benefit her or anyone else in the event of his death. This refusal alarmed him, and he made it clear that his marriage to her was over.

Amid Pretty Samuels Drama, Zoe Mthiyane Recalls Failed Relationship With Lebo M 2

Well, Zoe has resurfaced with some words for anyone who care to read. She recalled that he bashed her every single day and was the one who went to the press with the news of the cancellation of their engagement.

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