
Andile Jali Facing Legal Battles & Allegedly CLose To Losing His Home

If current reports are anything to go by, then it appears like South African footballer Andil Jali is facing hard times and might soon lose his home in a highbrow area in the Rainbow Nation.

A home is often seen as a place of safety – the most important asset to own. So, of course, the big dream for most people who have a home of their own is not to lose it for whatever reason. Nut sometimes, the quirks of fate don’t align with people’s hopes and dreams.

Anyway, Jali reportedly contends with the spectre of a debt for the home he bought years ago. According to reports, the Lombardy Home Owners Association had taken the player to court, claiming a debt of R123 000.

According to court documents, the player had signed a memo to pay what he owed but he f]defaulted along the line, forcing the complainant to seek over avenues to recover the alleged debt from him.

At the time of writing, though, the player had yet to say anything in that direction. Also, besides the alleged debt which might cost him his home, he is said to be embroiled in a dispute with Moroka Swallows for not paying his salaries

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