
Anele Mdoda Recalls A Cousin’s Scary Experience Of A Break-In

A break-in is not something anyone would want to experience, especially a lady. But then, as the saying goes, life happens. But not all live to tell the tale. South African media mobility Anele Mdoda has just narrated a break-in her sister experienced.

The mother of one took to her official Twitter account where she detailed the incident. According to her, her cousin’s home was broken into. She had locked herself in, but the criminals broke down her door and came in, stealing things from her.

That same week, according to Anele, three other ladies who live by themselves also saw their apartments broken into as well. As far as she was concerned, This is one case too many – the reality of the hell the country is at the moment.

Fans thronged her comment section to share their thoughts and experiences as well, with some wondering what exactly is going on in South Africa, with the ever-soaring crime rate. You can check out her post below.

Anele Mdoda Recalls A Cousin'S Scary Experience Of A Break-In 2

One of those who responded to her tweet noted that the security must have a case to answer, for how is it even possible for the criminals to storm an estate and break down the door without the security knowing or doing anything?

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