
Anele Mdoda Refuses To Be Scammed As She Demands R5 Parking Change

Radio star Anele Mdoda says she won’t let anyone scam her as she demands her R5 parking change.

Anele Mdoda has been known for sharing things that happen in her life on social media. This year, she updated fans on how her son made her give up her favourite ice cream flavour and also shared how she was made to splurge R16k on a bottle of Tequila.

Her fans were stunned when she recently shared that a mall almost scammed her of R5. She shared on the X app that the mall refused to pay her parking change, but she waited till someone brought it. She wrote,

“This mall thinks I’m going to let them keep my R5 that the parking machine didn’t pay me. I’m going to wait here till someone brings it. Tired of being scammed”

Fans of the star were surprised that someone as rich as she was would care about something as little as R5. One user told her to let it go, but she replied, “Nah, not me. Imma wait for my money.”

Other users shared hilarious reactions to the tweet and called her “cheap” and “petty.” We doubt that that is enough to dissuade her.


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