
Babes Wodumo Addresses Zuma Dating Rumours

Rumours of Mzansi singer Babes Wodumo dating fellow musician Sabelo Zuma have been flying around for a while. But is the songstress actually dating him?

Well, she addressed the rumours recently but didn’t;’t appear to be too direct with the answer to the question. Like, she didn’t say “No, I’m not dating Zuma.” She merely noted, for the benefit of those who have been speculating, that she is still mourning her husband Mampintsha.

Mandla “Mampintsha” Maphumulo died from a stroke on Christemas even December 2022. It was a surprising turn of events that rocked her world and left her in the dust of grief.

It has been over a year of mourning, with people observing not just her life but her body as well. Some pointed out that she has gained weight. to this people, she pointed out that people will always talk, and that she is human and growing and that there will always be changes to her body.

She is taking care of that body and will continue to do so, whatever the observations about the same. Beyond that, she made it known that she is a star and has been working on new music that will be out soon.

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