
Babes Wodumo Gets Emotional As Mampintsha’s ‘Ngeke’ Plays During Live Video

Gqom star Babes Wodumo gets emotional as her late husband’s hit “Ngeke” plays in the background during a live video.

Anyone who has lost a loved one knows you don’t get over it. We have seen some of the country’s biggest stars pass on, and their loved ones left to mourn their passing. In late December last year, Gqom hitmaker and member of Big Nuz, Mampintsha, shockingly passed on, and Mzansi couldn’t bear it.

His wife, Babes, and his son, Sponge Wodumo, were left to mourn him. Ten months later, Babes still gets emotional when something involves him. The “Wololo” star was recently spotted in an Instagram Live clip trying to hold back tears as Mampintsha’s last hit, “Ngeke,” played in the background.

The video was posted on the X app by MDN News with the caption, “Babes Wodumo still miss Mampintsha so much.” Fans commented and comforted her as she mourned.

A heartbroken @uThembisa wrote, “This is so sore ay bantu. Thought of her the other day when I saw the video of the Afrikaans version, the way bebajabule ngakhona those people I wanted it to rub off on her. Poor thing.” @CrazyBabebear also commented, “The pain doesn’t go away. It gets better, but it doesn’t go away.”

Watch the video here.

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