
Back2School, Some Kids Are Excited, Some Are Not On First Day For Grade 1 In Mzansi

The holidays are over, and it’s time for the kids to get back to school. In South Africa, many kids will be starting Grade 1 this month. And because of this Grade 1 is currently trending in the Rainbow Nation.

Celebs and ordinary peeps alike are speaking of Grade 1, sharing pictures about their kids and the fact that they’re be starting Grade 1. Some of them seek prayers for the kids as they begin this journey in the quest for education and future advancement.

Among those who have spoken about Grade 1 for far is Mzansi celeb Tumi Sole. In a tweet, he’d noted that one of his kids will be starting Grade 1, while the other will be starting a new grade.

It has been a mixed bag so far. In the pictures and videos shared by Twitter users, it is clear that while some kids are happy about resumption, and starting Grade 1, others are displeased with it. They want to be home and in the secure environments, they’re familiar with.

for the Grade, the journey into life’s many bends begins now. And for some parents, it brings back memories of when they were kids and had to head to the classroom to have their heads filled with knowledge.

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