
“Blvck & White” Album: Flvme Hints At International Guest

As the days roll into the release date for South African rapper Flvme’s “Blvck and White” album, the songster himself has teased an international artist being a part of the project.

But who exactly is this artist?

Well, in a post on his account, the songster threw a question at his fans that implied he worked with an international artist. But he named no one. He asked which international artist fans think is on the upcoming album.

Well, his fans were more than willing to engage him and share their thoughts. However, it was clear he wanted to maintain suspense until the project dropped. He neither confirmed nor denied the suggestions given in response to his post, which you can check out below.

Flvme has outsized faith in the project he is about to release and has even boasted about its power and what impact it would have on release.

Of course, given this, special attention will now be paid to the album to see whether it would live up to the hype that the rapper has created around it.

Well, we are following events closely and will be more than happy to share the album with you on release. Stay tuned.

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