
Book Of Boba Fett Episode 2 Recap

Check out this recap of the Book of Boba Fett episode 2, featuring the emergence of Classic Star Wars characters.

Just like we hoped, the second episode of The Book of Boba Fett shared some insight on Boba Fett’s story. It would please fans to note that it continued to reveal how the Star War’s icon gained his weaponry. Of course, this is needed for his return in the anticipated second season of The Mandalorian.

The episode features a couple of flashback scenes in which the bounty hunter teams up with the Tusken Raiders. The Raiders initially enslave him for his help to deal with brutal adversaries on their land. The present day sees Boba and Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) come face to face with relations of Jabba the Hutt while trying to maintain control in the Mos Espa settlement of Tatooine.

Also, some classic Star Wars characters emerge as Boba takes the throne in Tatooine to become the new crime lord. He refers to himself as “Daimyo”. Black Krrsantan emerges in a scene to face Boba. He is Wookiee bounty hunter who in Star Wars lore who was regularly hired by Jabba.

Camie Marstrap and her boyfriend Laze ‘Fixer’ Loneozner are also introduced in one of Boba’s flashback scenes. Camie originally appeared as a friend of Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars film but her scenes were deleted.

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