
“Born Again” – Blac Chyna Deletes OnlyFans, Removes “Demonic” Tattoo

Blac Chyna is all for starting afresh – ditching her past life and taking on the armour of faith as a Christain. What other way to show her commitment to that change than by removing symbolic markers of the life she used to live?

The socialite, who used to have an OnlyFans account where she shared adult content with her subscribers, has reportedly deleted that account. The gesture is symbolic because, according to multiple sources, she used to make millions of dollars from the account.

With the wiping of that account, she had, of course, lost a big source of income. But she wouldn’t mind because she has a bigger goal at heart. What’s more, she’s also had her “demonic” tattoo removed. Sources also indicate that she has gotten baptised as well – another symbolic gesture of her new faith.

Her decision to ditch the world for Christ has elicited mixed reactions, with some praising her and thanking God for her salvation and others wondering if she wouldn’t fall back into the world’s embrace once again. And yet for others, she looks more beautiful now, without the accoutrements of the world that she used to be identified with.

&Quot;Born Again&Quot; - Blac Chyna Deletes Onlyfans, Removes &Quot;Demonic&Quot; Tattoo 2

Well, a new phase begins for Blac Chyna.

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