
Brenda Ngxoli Says She’s Never Had Money Issues With Connie Ferguson

Outspoken actress Brenda Ngxoli says she has never had money issues with Connie Ferguson and Ferguson Films.

Brenda Ngxoli has been open about the people who have mistreated her in her career. She appeared in a chat with  MacG, Sol Phenduka and Ghost Lady on their podcast and spoke about her time working with Connie Ferguson and her late husband Shona. She said,

“I don’t care; I will stand on my own if that is the case. I’ve never had money issues with Connie Ferguson, and I never had my money not arrive on time while working for Ferguson Films. My biggest paycheque was from Ferguson Films.”

“I had repeatedly said I find it so strange sis Connie that you are feeding so many mouths yet no one will stand up when it’s time to say, wait a minute the reason I have a bond today is because of this woman.”

She said that if an actor has a job for  more than six months, they should be thankful to the person who has provided them that opportunity. About the cancelled drama series, “The Queen,” she said,

“When the show had come to an end, a lot of people were crying, now all of a sudden. But still, they weren’t crying on social media, they were crying on the side, people were depressed.”


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