
Bryoni Govender Speaks Of Unforgettable Miss Universe Experience

Dreams can come true. This is a phrase we often see thrown around. The reality of it is actually not in question, as evidence abounds of so many dreams coming true. South African beauty queen Bryoni Govender is one person who would easily point herself as an example of dreams coming true.

Well, who wouldn’t? From being insecure about her skin colour to being picked to represent the Rainbow Nation at the Miss Universe beauty contest, she has indeed come a long way and learned many lessons through it all. And she’s got a lot to share with the public as well.

She had a memorable time and recalled her experience soon after. According to her,  “My life has taken a direction that I never ever expected, but I dreamt of. I dreamt the wildest dream that sometimes it would even scare me.” The days were long and they had to wake early because they had to do a lot of things.

But it’s all good, for it is one experience she had wanted all along – to be in the Miss Universe orbit. And she got exactly that. Who says dreams cannot come true? You got a lot of explaining to do to our beauty queen. LOL.

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