
Bushiri Trends Amid Call By South Africa’s Council Of Churches To Dialogue To End Attacks On Foreigners

With the ongoing debate about xenophobia, and the attack on foreign nationals resident in Nigeria, South Africa’s council of churches has decided to intervene.

In a statement, the council had called for dialogue to end the attack on foreign nationals. But some South Africans are unimpressed with that call, and they made this apparent in thousands of tweets, bringing in some foreign characters that somehow made their way to Mzansi.

Top of that list is the Malawian prophet Shepherd Bushiri. Some tweeters condemned the Council for not having made the call before the likes of Shepherd Bushsiri made it to South Africa.

For clarification, at the time of writing, Bushiri wasn’t in South Africa. The minister had fled the country in controversial circumstances a while back, and the South African authorities are trying to take over some of his properties. You can check out some of the tweets below

Bushiri Trends Amid Call By South Africa'S Council Of Churches To Dialogue To End Attacks On Foreigners 2Bushiri Trends Amid Call By South Africa'S Council Of Churches To Dialogue To End Attacks On Foreigners 3Bushiri Trends Amid Call By South Africa'S Council Of Churches To Dialogue To End Attacks On Foreigners 4Bushiri Trends Amid Call By South Africa'S Council Of Churches To Dialogue To End Attacks On Foreigners 5Bushiri Trends Amid Call By South Africa'S Council Of Churches To Dialogue To End Attacks On Foreigners 6Bushiri Trends Amid Call By South Africa'S Council Of Churches To Dialogue To End Attacks On Foreigners 7

Bushiri is one of the most controversial religious figures, not just in South Africa but in his native Malawi. While some think him a prophet of the Lord, others say he’s nothing other than a servant of Mammon out to fleece the sheep.

It remains to be seen what will come out of the call to dialogue.

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