
Busiswa On Missing Out On Beyoncé’s Tour

Sometimes things don’t go the way people want or desire them. So, of course, they have to learn to move on when things don’t go their way. One person who has learned this lesson is the South African singer Busiswa.

We all know that the American pop icon Beyonce was on her Renaissance tour recently to promote her album of the same title. It isn’t all the time that the pop icon goes on tour, so, of course, that tour was symbolic.

One woman who would have loved to have been co-opted somehow was Busiswa. She is one of South Africa’s notable female voices. So it isn’t out of place for her to want to be part of something this big.

It didn’t work out as she would have wanted, though. But then she bears no hard feelings and no ill will. Life must go on. She is channelling her energies into making more music.

Besides that, she has also been a motivating force for up-and-coming singers to keep on grinding because one day it will all make sense and they will be enjoying the fruits of the sacrifices they have made so far.

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