
Check Out Zakwe’s Exclusive Merch Collection Amid US Tour

You might not hear it oujda and clear out there, but it can still be said that this is South African rapper Zakwe’s hour.

After what appears to be a lull, his career is experiencing a resurgence with a couple of shows already lined up in the United States. It would be his first in the country.

Of course, the symbolism of this moment is not lost on the rapper, who appears ready to milk or to the last buzz. What way to do that than by walking the path that some of his compatriots and contemporaries have walked?

Well, the songster is launching an exclusive merch collection. In a post on his official Instagram page, he’d shared a short clip of the Merch he’s selling while in the States.

He made it known that it’s exclusive and limited. Fans can show him love by of course purchasing the merch, which includes polos and face caps, some bearing his name, as well as flags of the United States and South Africa. You can check out the post below.

So far, the support has been pretty strong and Zakwe is enjoying every bit of his moment in the United States. Some solidarity.

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