
Ciara & Russell Wilson Show Up for Patients at Colorado Hospital

Some patients at a Colorado children’s hospital were surprised when Russell and Ciara Wilson showed up at the facility.

The couple stands out for their philanthropic efforts, so their latest efforts was de regeur for those who know them and their Why Not You Foundation.

The couple showed up at the Aurora-based medical facility, which is said to be one of the top children’s facilities in the United States. They signed autographs for the patients and read to them from their children’s book,  Why Not You.

In a statement, Wilson had shared his passion for community initiatives, noting that he and Ciara have had amazing experiences along the way. And the exciting part of it is that it’s always about families and loved ones and the hope that a great new day is just in the corner.

He also indirectly acknowledged others by noting that it’s a team effort and that it feels great being able to impact people and communities.

Before the couple popped at the hospital in Aurora, months back, they had shown up at their Why Not You Academy charter school, where they surprised students with gifts and encouraging words. They motivated students by letting them know they could fly him despite their poor backgrounds.

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