
Clip From Kope Makgae Private Wedding

While some people love loud and public weddings, there are those who could do without all the noise. South African actor Kope Makgae appear to be one of them, having reportedly gotten married quietly.

It is unclear why the actor opted for a secret wedding, but a lot of reasons can be adduced for this. We wouldn’t go into them, however,

Despite the wedding being a secret, soon after the occasion, pictures started flying about him and his heartthrob sealing their love in a private ceremony.

From the pictures circulating online, it could be seen that the actor was more than happy to be with his lady, and vice versa.

Well, despite many of his fans not knowing about the wedding and not getting invitations to the same, they were mostly pleased with the news that he is married now, and they celebrated him online in reaction to the pictures, some of which you can check out below.

If nothing else, the proliferation of pictures of the wedding indicates that one might have a “secret” wedding easily and will probably have a hard time totally concealing the same from the public.

Well, congratulations are in order for the new couple in town.

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