
Cyan Boujee Under Fire For Publicly Professing Hate For Her Mother

At this rate, it is now one week, one dram for controversial South African disc jockey Cyan Boujee. She has just been quoted as saying that she hates her parent, leading to condemnations from South Africans.

The songstress had posted on her Instagram story that she hates her mother. Screenshots of her post were taken and shared on social media platforms, including X, where they went viral in no time. The majority of those who saw her post condemned her for disrespecting her mother publicly.

In the said post, she wrote, “I’m sorry but I hate my mom.” No reason was given for that. But the fact that she [ublicly admitted hating her mother was enough to trigger a lot of people. And they wasted no time condemning her actions. You can check out the post below.

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By the way, weeks earlier, she had shared a picture of herself and her mother together. She didn’t claim to hate her then, but she had already become notorious in some quarters for some people to let her know that her mother would be embarrassed to be identified as her mother.

This was in the heat of the drama with Prince Kaybee. When she had claimed he leaked her lubricious images.

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