
Debate Erupts Online Over Lamiez Holworthy’s Hospital Pictures

It is no longer news that South African disc jockey and radio personality Lamiez Holworthy has given birth to a son. However, many of her compatriots were stunned by the pictures of her taken just after she had given birth.

Lamiez, who is married to celebrated rapper Khuli Chana, looked all made up and not like someone who just gave birth or just left the maternity ward. Her full face beat provoked a debate online, with peeps describing the current era as one in which people do anything for the gram, things that hitherto they wouldn’t care about. You can check out the tweet below.

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Lamiez wouldn’t be dragged into the whole debate, however. In a post on her verified Instagram page, she shared the moment she gave birth, with her husband by her side encouraging her.

In the same post, she described her son Leona Zion as the gift she prayed for, and she is more than blessed to have him. The kid has brought a new light into her life and that of her family. Now, with such light, who would want to bother about what the public thinks? The clip follows below.

Congratulations are in order for her.

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