
Dolly Parton Gives Surprise Call To A Dying Fan Before Christmas

Legendary country singer Dolly Parton gave a surprise call to a dying fan before Christmas.

LeGrand Gold got exactly what he wanted for Christmas. KSLTV reports that the Orem man had gone public with his wish to meet Dolly Parton as part of a bucket list he put together with his wife. The “I Will Always Love You” star made the wish come true.

Gold has battled cancer for the past two years. And, on a visit to the doctor three weeks ago, he received bad news. “The scans showed the cancer spreading and getting out of my liver, and so they said the chemo is not working anymore. They just sent me home and said, be with your family.”

He spoke about writing ten wishes on his bucket list to do before he died. “One of them was ‘Meet Dolly Parton’. I thought, ‘Well, it’s never going to happen’.” Dolly called on Friday morning from Tennessee. She told Gold,

“Well, I’m just happy to know I have a fan that devoted. Hey LG it’s Dolly P. I’ve heard you’ve been a fan for many years, and I just wanted to thank you for that. Just know that I will always love you.”

Gold said she sang him a song and put his name on it.

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