
Dr Malinga Dragged For Performing At The ANC Manifesto Review After Distancing Himself From The Ruling Party

The words celebrities say count for something. So when they are not keeping their word, they are most likely to be criticised by members of the public. That was exactly what happened to South African singer and record label boss Dr Malinga.

He had reportedly previously distanced himself from the ruling African National Congress (ANC), but along the line, he had decided to work with the political party. He performed at the party’s manifesto review event, which drew the ire of many South Africans.

The ANC is down on its luck at the moment, with South Africans unimpressed by its performance, especially with the spectre of load shedding seemingly refusing to go away. But the party is determined to retain power and continue ruling the Rainbow Nation.

Dr Malinga had gained the support of his compatriots when he distanced himself from the party. So many of them were understandably taken aback when he performed at the party’s manifesto-unveiling event. For many South Africans, his actions shows a lack of integrity – a man who would do anything for money.

There were those who supported him, though – with the verdict that people are at liberty to change their minds when the need arises.

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