
Dr Musa Mthombeni On Being Dubbed A Simp For His Beauty Queen Wife Liesl Laurie

If you are a big fan of media personality Dr. Musa Mthombeni, you probably already know that he is a man enamoured of his wife, former beauty queen Liesl Laurie, and he shows that every opportunity he has.

But then, not everyone is impressed with his effusive devotion to his wife, which he exhibits all over the place. As a result, some social media users have been calling him a simp to his wife. But what does Musa have to say about this?

Hitherto quiet, the media personality has finally addressed those calling him a simp for being effusive and public with his love for his wife. A Twitter user had made fun of him in a post on that platform, noting how he seemed madly devoted to his wife.

Musa laughed it off with an equally hilarious response, indicating that he doesn’t care what the public might say or think about his relationship with his wife. “Anything for my girl,” he quipped. You can check out the post below,

Musa’s response is in no way surprising. After all, people have been making fun of him because of how he treats his wife and he has been ignoring them since.

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