
Explainer: Netflix’s The Strays Ending

The Strays apparently projected its title in the flick itself, as two people “strayed” from the past into the life of someone who is unavoidably a part of them, creating new realities.

Right from when The Stray premiered, it snagged the attention of the public and it still managed to hold it until the end. If you have been following The Strays but somehow missed the end.

Right from when The Stray premiered, it snagged the attention of the public and it still managed to hold it until the end. If you have been following The Strays but somehow missed the ending, or if you are somehow clueless about the ending, there is a semblance of an explainer right here.

The Strays takes us into the life of Cheryl, who was miserable around the period he bears that name. Years later, she would go by the name Neve, in a better state not only financially but socially as well – married, too.

Somehow, around this period, a black man and black woman popped into town, and she found herself becoming increasingly paranoid, assuming they were stalking her. It turned out the strangers were not strangers after all, but her children from her miserable past – and they are keen to become part of her new family.

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