
Fans Congratulate Chef Siba Mntongana As Her Restaurant Hosts American Actor Anthony Anderson

It is the dream of local celebs to have the opportunity to play hosts to other celebs from other parts of the world, especially from wealthy nations, including the United States. But, of course, not all of them get to see that dream come to pass.

Well, it was a dream come true for celebrated South African chef Siba Mntogana recently, as she had the opportunity to cook for celebrated American actor Anthony Anderson, who popped into his eatery during a trip to South Africa.

Siba herself welcomed the actor to SIBA – The Restaurant and shared pictures of them together. She teased her fans on Instagram, asking them to guess who popped into her restaurant. You can check out her post below.

The comment section showed that her compatriots were just as excited to have the South African in the country and at her restaurant. Well, it is one milestone reached for Siba and SIBA – The Restaurant.

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