
Fans Unimpressed With Biggie’s New Voice As Season 4 Big Brother Mzansi Begins

it is usually obvious when fans are invested in a reality show. They speak about it, share about it, and wake up still speaking about it. The point is, they are y=usua;y pay attention and share their opinions, positive or not.

A new season of the reality show Big Brother Mzansi is here, and already fans have got a lot to say about it, especially about the host Biggie. Most of those following the current edition are of the view that the new Bigiie is somewhat “off.”

Biggie is the figure that guides contestants through the Big Brother Mzasni House – the same person that contestants can share their wishes and needs with while in the house.

The current and fourth season of the reality show debuted on Monday with a new and unfamiliar Biggie. Fans noticed this almost immediately, and it appeared they were unimpressed with the new choice.

Some X users were of the view that Biggie’s voice was giving “Cocomelon vibes,” an obvious reference to a popular kiddies’ educational and entertainment show.

Well, is there a chance this verdict will lead to a change in the voice of Biggie’s? That’s one question we expect time will answer soon.

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