
Fans Wish Mo Flava Quick Recovery Following Soccer Injury

For most footballers, professional ot not, one of the biggest fears is to get injured on the pitch. While the game is exciting, some rough tackles can leave one confined to a crutch or wheelchair.

So, it is most peoples prayer not to be involved in any such accident and not to be injured during a game. Of course, it is not all the time that such a prayer manifests. people get injured and they face the realities of their injury.

South African media personality Mo Flava is one man who is contending with a football-related injury right now. In the beginning, though, it was all fun and games, as his performance on the pitch left some SOuth Africans reeling with laughter.

But then, the unexpected happend and he injured his leg. The story changed right there. His injury wasn’t too serious but it was enough to snag the attention and sympathy of his compatriots, who have been wishing him a quick recovery since.

Mo Flava himself had taken to Instagram where he shared a picture of his injured leg. You can check out the post below.

Hopefully he recovers soon enough and frees many South Africans from the grip of worry.

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