
Fire for Fire At Soweto TV: Tbo Touch Fired As CEO by Chairman; Chairman Fired By Secretary…

Tbo Touch has been fired from his acting CEO position at Soweto TV. Tuis Jabulani Nkutha, the chairperson who had fired Touch, was himself suspended by the secretary of the board.

Before his firing, Tbo Touch was not only CEO of Soweto TV, he also occupied the position of non-executive director of the community TV station.

Axed along with Tbo Touch was head of channel Nokuthula Zulu. The two are reportedly responsible for the decision to cut staff salaries in a series of cost-cutting measures that displeased many members of staff.

Aggrieved employees had taken the station to court, where they won their case and got an court order for the station to pay the workers three months salaries. The station failed to do so.

In a move that would probably please Tbo Touch and Nokuthula Zulu, the secretary of the board and legal adviser Sizwe Gcayi last Friday declared Nkutha’s position as chairman of the board illegal.

The dismissal might overturn the sacking of the CEO and head of channel and get them back through the door at Soweto TV.

Well, until that happens, we can only watch and wait. You may want to stay tuned for details.  Yes?

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