
From Humble Earnings to R180k Monthly, Ba2Cada Shares His Two-Decade Radio Triumph

Ba2Cada’s Radio Career Journey from Modest Beginnings to a Hefty Salary at Lesedi FM

In a recent interview Mith MacG and Sol, Ba2Cada, a renowned radio personality, disclosed his financial journey in the radio industry, culminating in a significant monthly take-home salary of R180,000 from Lesedi FM. The discussion sheds light on his career progression, providing an inspiring narrative for many in the media field.

Starting his career in 2004 at Josi FM, Ba2Cada was initially earning a modest R1,500 per month, a humble amount reflecting the challenges many newcomers face in the industry. Despite the low pay, Ba2Cada was motivated by a broader vision. He mentioned, “I just wanted the platform, my guy. I always knew that I’m going to prove my radio stance for just me to prove that [the] station manager can hear me.”From Humble Earnings To R180K Monthly, Ba2Cada Shares His Two-Decade Radio Triumph 2

Over the years, Ba2Cada’s dedication and resilience in proving his worth in radio broadcasting paid off significantly. From doing three shows a week and viewing his early experiences as a platform to showcase his talent, his salary has seen a dramatic increase. Today, his monthly earnings are a testament to his hard work and the respect he has garnered in the industry.

The interview not only highlights Ba2Cada’s personal achievements but also casts a light on the evolving landscape of radio broadcasting. It underscores the potential for growth in this field and the financial rewards that can come with dedication and passion.

As of now, the video interview has gathered views and continues to inspire many. Ba2Cada’s story is a powerful reminder of how determination and a clear vision can lead to substantial success, even in fields that are challenging to break into.

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