
Full List Of People Zoleka Mandela Doesn’t Want At Her Burial

It is no longer news that the author Zoleka Mandela is dead. The news is that she planned well for the moment following her cancer diagnosis. There are some people that she didn’t want present at her funeral.

In a list that has caused great buzz online, the author had spelt out the names of those she does not want present at her funeral. All the names were contained in her diary, which was shared by Zimoja.

In the diary, listed several names, from those she had known intimately, down to members of the Mandela family. For instance, she made it clear that she does not want her former husband, Thiery Bashala, the father of two of her children, at her burial or anywhere near her dead body.

She also affirmed she doesn’t want Leeroy Andile Cana at her funeral or anywhere near her body. Cana is the father of her last born, Zingce. You can check out the full list of those she doesn’t want at her burial below.

Full List Of People Zoleka Mandela Doesn’t Want At Her Burial 2

Zoleka Mandela was diagnosed with breast cancer at 32 and had a double mastectomy. But her cancer spread to other areas of her body despite her best efforts. She chronicled her cancer journey via Instagram until her death.

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