
Funeral Details Of Energy Expert Ted Blom – Dead At 64

South Africa’s energy expert Ted Blom has passed away at the age of 64. His family confirmed his death but gave no details about the cause of death.

Until his exit, Blom was a critical voice against Eskom as South Africa contended with an energy crisis that led to massive load shedding. With his death, the Rainbow Nation lost a vital voice in the advocacy for better power delivery in South Africa.

The family announced Blom’s passing in a post on Facebook while also harping about some of his qualities – a great father filled with love and care for his children, always protecting them. The family also noted that he fought cancer for years. So that is likely the cause of death.

There will be a memorial for the deceased at 11 a.m. at Rosebank Union Church, 40 St Andrews Road, Hurlingham, Sandton, according to a circular released by the family. Friends, colleagues, and members of the public are welcome to attend. They can either attend in person or follow the programme via YouTube.

Funeral Details Of Energy Expert Ted Blom - Dead At 64 2

Blom made great contributions to South Africa’s energy space and will be sorely missed, especially at a time when Eskom is yet to redeem itself from the load-shedding curse.

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