
Gang Leader’s Legal Struggles Escalate Amidst Health Concerns in Detention

Charges Pile Up as Ralph Stanfield and Wife Face Court Proceedings

The legal troubles of alleged 28s gang boss, Ralph Stanfield, have deepened as he faces an attempted murder charge, adding to the list of accusations against him. This development was revealed during a recent court appearance, where Stanfield, alongside his wife Nicole Johnson, was present. The couple, who wore face masks for undisclosed reasons, appeared with co-accused Johannes “Bal” Abrahams and Denver Booysen.

The group was arrested over a week ago in their upscale Constantia residence, facing charges ranging from motor vehicle theft to fraud and robbery. In a surprising turn of events, the State introduced another accused, Jose Brand, to the charge sheet. Brand, along with Stanfield, now faces an attempted murder charge. The entire group has also been indicted under the Prevention of Organised Crime Act (Poca). However, Brand has decided to abandon his bail application.

Stanfield’s defense highlighted his humble beginnings in Mitchells Plain and his current role as an entrepreneur in the construction sector, earning a monthly income of R40,000. The defense also shed light on Stanfield’s health challenges, stemming from a 2017 assassination attempt in Johannesburg. As a result of multiple gunshot wounds from that incident, Stanfield reportedly struggles with respiratory issues. His specialized medical equipment, crucial for his well-being, is not accessible to him in Pollsmoor Prison.

Nicole Johnson’s health has also been a point of contention. Her defense revealed that she underwent surgery a day before her arrest and has since faced challenges in her recovery. Allegedly, she has been denied proper medical treatment by the nursing staff at Pollsmoor. The couple’s legal team emphasized the importance of their release on bail, citing the well-being of their two minor children, aged 17 and 15. The children’s academic progress, especially the son’s impending overseas study opportunities, was presented as a significant factor.

State prosecutor Frank van Heerden has requested a postponement to allow the investigating officer to delve deeper into the allegations presented in the couple’s affidavits. The defense has countered this, arguing that the accused have consistently appeared in court for several years, proving they are not flight risks.

The case has been adjourned and is set to resume on October 11. As the legal proceedings unfold, the community and media remain vigilant, awaiting further developments in this high-profile case.

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