
Here Comes Mr Happy Face, Winner Of The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest

A dog with the name of Mr Happy Face winning the World’s Ugliest Dog contest might sound ironic. But that played out recently, with the world celebrating the new furry friend in town.

Mr Happy Face is a 17-year-old chihuahua adopted in 2021 by Jeneda Benally.

During the contest, the 41-year-old musician gave clues on how she came to own Mr Happy Face. According to her, it all started during the pandemic. Then, she hoped to have a baby or adopt a dog.

Having a baby would be an act of God, she noted. And it somehow didn’t happen. So she went ahead with the dog option. At an animal shelter, she had been told of an old dog so ugly that it might be bred indoors.

Here Comes Mr Happy Face, Winner Of The World'S Ugliest Dog Contest 2

When she was eventually shown the dog, Benally was filled with compassion. In her opinion, she saw an old dog with health conditions, a dog that needed to be loved and given a second chance. As a result, Mr Happy Face has since gotten a new lease of life.

And he’s got some interesting hobbies too, which Benally spelt out during the contest: “snoring, woofing in his sleep and making odd sounds when he is happy.”

By the way, the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest is decades old. It holds every year in Petaluma, California.

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