
Here Is Why Dave Chappelle, Katt Williams, Kevin Hart, Chris Rock & Richard Pryor Are Trending

Find out why comedians Dave Chappelle, Katt Williams, Kevin Hart, Chris Rock & Richard Pryor are blowing up the trends.

It has been a dramatic year for comedy. We would all agree that drama also helps comedy thrive. If you recall what went down at the Oscars this year, then you know how much drama erupted from it.

Comedians Kevin Hart and Chris Rock recently headlined a show at Madison Square Garden, and the fans cannot stop talking about it. Even more impressive was that the show was opened by the one and only Dave Chappelle, whose Minnesota show was canceled.

Attendees can’t stop talking about what an incredible show it was. We hear Kevin Hart showed respect for Chris Rock for being the “Greatest Of All Time” by buying him an actual goat. Yes, you read that right. Kevin presented his co-headliner with the Goat on stage.

When Chappelle asked what the goat would be called, Kevin replied that it was named Will Smith. Of course, the audience could not hold back their laughter. Rock protested against having to take the goat home because he lives in an apartment. Of course, Kev was having none of that.

The show has also led to a huge debate online, and fellow comedians Katt Williams and Richard Pryor have been dragged into it. Tweeps claim that both comedy stars are funnier than Kevin on stage. Of course, it has been a huge debate online because most do not agree.

However, Chris and Kev have been praised for putting on an incredible show. We hear rapper and mogul Jay-Z was somewhere in the audience watching them do what they do best. We wonder what Will Smith thinks about being named after a goat. Should Kevin Hart watch his back?


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