
Jagersfontein Residents Groan After Mine Dam Collapses

If people could have their way, they would rather disasters, natural or man-made, don’t happen. But then, as the saying goes, wishes are rarely ever a reality.

Anyway, the people of Jagersfontein in Free State didn’t have it so good over the weekend as they had to be evacuated after a mine dam burst, sending residents scampering for safety. At the last count, over 20 people were reportedly admitted to the Diamant Hospital with minor injuries from the disaster.

Also, according to multiple reports, several houses were swept away by the collapsed dam, with severe flooding affecting the main road to the area

Amid the uncertainties the burst dam had spawned, officials are calling for calm while also battling to contain the situation.

The disaster, which was described as “scary” by many residents, was acknowledged by DA Cllr for Kopanong, Estelle Nordman, who noted that the damage was ring assessed as the part had sent its reps into the area. She also asked several questions, including why houses are on the path of the water flow and what caused the slime dam to break.

At press time, there were really no answers to that question. Also, it was unclear if lives were lost in the tragedy.

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