
Lady Zamar Indifferent To Being Dragged Online Over Sjava Drama

It appears there is no end in sight in the controversy involving Lady Zamar and Sjava, as the songstress was recently dragged again over the rape accusations she made against the 1020 Cartel boss years ago.

Lady Zamar had noted back then that Sjava raped her while they were in a relationship. The allegation reverberated across South Africa so much that Sjava almost lost his career despite insisting on his innocence.

Anyway, the case was later dismissed. But the issue has refused to die down, with the rapper’s fans throwing shades at Lady Zamar on social media now and then. It was so bad that at some point, she had to turn off comments on her social media accounts.

She turned comments Back on late last month, eliciting mixed reactions. Anyway, her critics are back to business, criticising her over the Sjava issue, especially each time she makes a post.

In reacting to the situation, Lady Zamar made it clear that she doesn’t care what people say or think about her. People can keep on talking, dragging her, but she is unconcerned, according to her. It appears like the days when she was fearful and questioned why she went into music are over.

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