
Lebo M & Estranged Wife Pretty Samuels Lock Horns In Court

The drama is not over yet in the battle between South African composer Lebo M and his estranged wife Princess. Both have headed to court amidst an ongoing feud over the alleged misuse of the composer’s signature.

The genesis of their conflict and separation was Lebo M taking a trip abroad and giving Princess his digital signature to sign some documents on his behalf. On his return from his trip, he wanted her to sign an affidavit that she had deleted his signature from her system. She declined.

He also wanted her to sign another affidavit that she had not used his signature in a way that would benefit her or any other person in the event of his death. Again,m she declined. This refusal alarmed Lebo M, who feared for his life and started divorce proceedings immediately.

Along the line, a family meeting had been called to settle their rift, with Princess mandated to write an apology letter noting what she had done with his signature. She failed to do that. Instead, she allegedly ran away with his Mercedes and some cash.

That move appeared to have destroyed the chances of them getting together again, and they have now locked horns in court. It’s a developing story, so stay tuned.

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