
Lerato Kganyag Battles Theo Baloyi Of Bathu Sneakers Over Ambassadorial Deal Payment

Mzansi media personality Lerato Kganyago is reportedly suing Theo Baloyi of Bathu Sneakers for terminating her brand ambassador contract without paying her the full contract sum.

The Bathu sneakers brand is said to be cutting expenses. And one of the ways it thought to do so was to terminate the ambassadorial contract with Lerato Kganyago.

While the media personality doesn’t care too much about the termination, she’s said to have contacted her lawyers to ensure she gets what was due her after the termination of the contract.

By the way, besides Lerato Kganyago, Bathu also had Somizi, DJ Tira, Khanyi Mbau, and Lamiez Holworthy as brand ambassadors. Unlike, Lerato, however, none of them has said anything about a possible break in their relationship with the brand. So they’re probably still with the brans or just have no time for drama.

Well, the sneakers deal may not have gone the way she wished, but Lerato Kganyago is still having the time of her life.

This Valentine’s Day, her husband surprised her with a hotel of her own. The surprise came after South Africans ran wild with memes and jokes about her husband buying earth and asking everyone to leave for a minute so he can celebrate Valentine’s Day with his spouse.

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