
Lusanda Mbane Delivers Zahara’s Guitar, Eulogises Her Amid Family’s Grief and Award to Her Family

If South African singer Zahara could observe things from the dead, she would certainly be pleased with the knowledge that she actually scored some beautiful friendships when she was alive and the beauty is beginning to illuminate those around her.

Actress and media personality Lusanda Mbane stands as an ideal example of this reality. She was a friend to Zajhara for much of her life, something she dwelled on recently after visiting her family’s house.

It followed what she would describe as the longest weeks of her existence. This was around the period when Zahara was seriously ill and in hospital. Lusanda was deeply worried and also hopeful Zahara would recover. Sadly, the singer passed away on December 11 at the hospital where she was admitted.

Mbane had nothing but kind words about her friend, with whom she developed a close relationship – so close, in fact, that she said they became more of sisters than friends. Mbane is the older of the two. After the late singer’s remains were delivered to her family, Mbane delivered her guitar, as well as eulogised her memory.

It was a moment that left many emotional and reflecting on a life that used to be among them.

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