
Makhadzi Makes Damning Revelations About Open Mic Productions

In what has been described in some quarters as shocking, popular singer Makhadzi has revealed that She left Open Mic Productions without getting a cent despite being signed to the record label for years, Another interesting aspect of her revelation was that she never even saw the contract she signed.

According to her, she merely signed the contract and they promised to send it to her but they never did. This revelation is particularly intriguing because she recently announced that she had exited the label because her contract expired about a month ago, and although she was expecting a renewal, it never came in the mail.

For this reason, she had to formally write the record label announcing the end of their relationship. Thereafter followed her damning revelation via her official Twitter account. She noted that she signed for three years and in that period she released four albums, some of which made it to platinum and gold status. But she never received a cent for them. You can check out the detailed thread below

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Here revelations had many South Africans scratching their heads and others asking why she should jump into something that she didn’t get proper details about.

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