
Makhadzi’s Message To Bullies And Potential Bullies

She is one of the most popular singers in South Africa. So, of course, people will always have something to say about her, good or bad. How she reacts to them is, of course, her decision.

Well, South African singer Makhadzi has seen enough in this life to realise that what really matters is her opinion of herself and not what people think or say about her. She amplified this reality recently with a post on her official Instagram page,

In the post, she shared a charming picture of herself in white. In the caption to the post, she noted her awareness of her roots and how she wouldn’t let people bully her. She counts patience as the key to her success while also noting that she would never give room to the distractions all around her. You can check out the post below.

Makhadzi has come a long way as a musician and continues to snag attention as a person and a performer. Her performances are usually electrifying. But now and then, she finds herself in the middle of negative publicity and criticisms.

Well, from her latest post, she appears to be in control and unwilling to give room to anything that wants to distract her.

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