
Malema Concludes National Shutdown With A Handshake With Cops

EFF leader Julius Malema reportedly concluded the national shutdown with a handshake with the cops who marched with them peacefully.

The national shutdown has finally come to an end. According to a report by Sowetan Live, the shutdown ended with handshakes outside the Mahlamba Ndlopfu presidential residence in Pretoria.

EFF leader Julius Malema and EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi reportedly shook hands with the cops who marched with them peacefully. The report further states that the party leaders were joined by other political leaders and unions as they marched through Pretoria’s church square, singing and chanting in unison while headed to the presidential residence.

Although they were expected to end up at the union buildings, the protesters marched past and headed straight to the presidential residence of Ramaphosa. However, heavy police presence met them at the entrance. A chopper hovered above while two water canyons were deployed. They sat peacefully on the lawns and listened to their leaders.

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