
Mashaba says, “ActionSA will take ‘middle ground’ on immigration”

Herman Mashaba says, “ActionSA will take ‘middle ground’ on immigration.”

According to a report by Daily Maverick, ActionSA party president Herman Mashaba at the party’s first policy conference at Birchwood Hotel, Boksburg, on Tuesday, September 12, said they would take the middle ground when it came to the party’s stance on immigration laws.

He said, “I want to assure South Africans that ActionSA will present a strong proposal that occupies the rational, middle ground on this important issue. ActionSA reaffirms our belief that South Africa was built on the back of migrants. We want the people of the world to come to South Africa, but they must do so legally and obey our laws once here. ActionSA will not place the blame at the door of foreigners,”

He also shared that there was a strong push by the party’s extremists for stricter immigration laws against those who were completely opposed to it. He said,

“On the one side, there are those who want to ignore our borders or call anyone xenophobic for raising the issue of the failed implementation of our immigration regulations and our porous borders. On the other side, there are those who are wilfully blind to the benefits that regulated immigration can offer our country, and act like quasi-law enforcement officials by unlawfully raiding businesses and detain[ing] people,” Read the more detailshere.

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